Available Pets


monkeys for sale near me

Things to Remember when Buying Exotic Animals

          There are certain things to be considered when deciding on which of the exotic animal for sale to purchase. Keep these tips in mind and you’ll have a new family member in no time!

     *  Verify if you are allowed to own the exotic animal in question. Ask local authorities about existing laws and if a special ownership license needs to     be acquired. Call us today and let us know and we will assist you with the paperwork. 

     * Only buy from a reputable breeder with an authenticated USDA license. Starburk Exotics is proud of its good standing and excellent reputation when it comes to finding the right home for our exotic animals. When you buy any exotic animal from us, you will be invited to our clean and well-maintained USDA- approved facility.

    *A good breeder provides support for owners. Our highly experienced staff will educate you on the proper care of the pet in question. You will learn everything you need to know about raising well-behaved and healthy pet.

Buying an exotic animal is an unforgettable experience! We have exotic animals available all year long. They make adorable and loving pets and if raised healthily, will live around 20 years. Get your own exotic animal by contacting us today!

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What are the benefits of having a pet monkey?

One of the benefits of having a monkey as pet as opposed to other household animals is that monkeys have opposable thumbs. If trained properly they could lend a hand with chores around the house. With this in mind monkeys would be considered more of an investment instead of an unnecessary cost

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