Baby Southern Flying Squirrels. I only have a few of these little critters left...because they are 9-10 weeks of age I'm selling these as breeders. These animals are not to be confused with sugar gliders, an entirely different species. I only have a few baby flyers left and once they're gone, I won't have any more available until fall. If you check out flying squirrel prices online, you'll discover that other breeders charge a lot more.
Flying Squirrels are small rodents that are native to parts of the United States. They are not easy to find in the wild they are very quiet and come out late at night.
she is an 7 weeks old baby that is still bottle fed and ready to go to her new home
they are super cute fsouthern flying squirrels and can fly
Diet. Be sure to keep fresh, clean water available at all times. Water can be placed in a water bottle or a small dish, and either needs to be washed each time water is refilled. Offer commercial squirrel or hamster food daily, as well as fresh fruits, nuts and seed.
Check the legality of keeping a southern flying squirrel as a pet in your state, as the laws vary and change over time. Even if owning one is legal where you live, you may be required to acquire special permitting or paperwork in order to validate your ownership. Be sure to explore all legal stipulations before acquiring a southern flying squirrel as a pet—the last thing you want is having your pet taken away from you due to illegal ownership.
When it comes to ethically owning a southern flying squirrel, a lot of it comes down to both how you source your pet and whether you can properly care for it. Beyond ensuring that you go to a reputable breeder, you should make sure you can provide your squirrel with everything it needs to not just survive but thrive under your care. This includes everything from time and attention to the financial ability to buy what you need for it. Additionally, southern flying squirrels can be injured or even killed by other pets (especially cats) so do not get one if you have a mischievous pet in the home.
Flying squirrels are omnivores. Their diet consists of fruits, nuts, veggies, insects, and protein.
We recommend Rodent Block or specialized squirrel food that comes complete with balanced vitamins and minerals that your squirrel needs in their diet. Seed mixes are okay but must be given in ratios; seeds do not offer complete nutrients and lack essential protein and vitamins that are needed in their diet.You must add powdered or liquid calcium to their diet which you can sprinkle very lightly on moist food 3 times a week.
As they are foragers, you can place food in a couple of small cups in areas where you know the squirrel does not regularly poop. Remove all uneaten food after 12 hours. You can add occasional treats of hard-boiled egg or chicken for more protein in their diet. Good high-protein treats include mealworms and crickets. However, do not offer your squirrel any insects you found outside, only those that were raised for food. It’s important to switch or add foods slowly. Wait at least one week between new foods to identify if there is an issue with a specific one.